Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Be Still and Know that I Am God & Writing Assignment #20 - Illnessess

In what would be Dale’s last weeks of life, he was in horrendous pain and couldn’t sleep and couldn’t recline in bed. With a courage that I can’t begin to comprehend, he bravely took on each day without anger or complaint and insisted on continuing to work.  I set up a little makeshift desk that rolled up to his leather chair to hold his laptop computer, his work files and his yellow notepad.  I remember one day when I was bringing a bowl of soup for his lunch I happily discovered that he was actually asleep and looked peaceful. I glanced at the yellow pad on his desk.  His hand was still holding his pen as he had just written the words… “Be Still and know that I am God”.  I realized with a sudden lump in my throat and with tears in my eyes that this was the source of his strength and the peace that he was feeling that allowed him to fall asleep.

Recently as I pushed the cart down the aisles of the local market appearing to all the world as normal with my basket full of organic vegetables and a package of brownie bites, I was in fact silently fighting health demons of my own that had of late joined forces with that dreaded silent woe – discouragement.

I passed by the greeting card section and my eye caught site of a card with yet another adaptation of the current world-wide love affair with “Keep Calm and Carry On”. I stood for a moment, closed my eyes and did what it said.  To keep calm, I thought of Dale and what helped him that day and I became still in my mind and spirit and felt a strength that hadn't been there a minute before.  I opened my eyes, put one foot in front of the other and pushing my cart to the check out stand....I carried on with the responsibilities of the day.

How very delicious these little nuggets of thoughts are in helping me journey on down this road of life.  They capture my attention and remind me of the good things in the world.  They give me hope and encouragement.  Bless the dear people that think of them and share them!!

Statements like these…

"Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever." —Jeffrey R. Holland

"An old proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” Now is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be—not only 20 years from now but also for all eternity." —Dieter F. Uchtdorf,

"Do not expect to become perfect at once. If you do, you will be disappointed. Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today." —Lorenzo Snow

And this from an unknown author:  “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice”.

And the unexpected but thought provoking….”Sometimes we Win…and Sometimes we Learn”.

And the reminder…”Any sailor can navigate on smooth seas, it takes courage to take on a storm”


In our lives we encounter certain illnesses and afflictions we must overcome or persevere.

Discuss your malady(ies), your attitude and how you have been able to endure or cure this (these) burden(s).

What have you learned from these experiences that could help your descendants?

Did your parents or grandparents or relatives have the same issues that could indicate that it is genetic?  This information is valuable to future generations that will be reading your autobiography.

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