Day one of blogging. I'm reminded today of a story I heard many years ago - so many in fact, that the details have faded and I can't acknowledge the author. Although the trace of the story remains in that back part of my memory (where important tidbits are stored), my imagination retrieves the essence of the story and takes it on quite a different journey here....mainly because as the story unfolds as I write, it helps me progress along my own journey of being alone and seeking a miracle.
A young man huddled in the middle of a small rowboat in the middle of a lake in the middle of a storm. He was alone, he was tired and he was afraid and so he prayed. As the rain pelted his face, soaked his clothes and started to fill his little boat, he prayed like he had never prayed before. Oh he had prayed often in his life but never had he been quite so compelled to ask quite so desperately for a miracle.
He humbled himself before the Lord, expressing his gratitude and acknowledging all of the blessings that the Lord had given him and asked that the Lord would bring him safely to shore. He closed his prayer and opened his eyes..and waited. The rain pelted just as hard as it had before his prayer and as he held tightly to the sides of the boat it spun uncontrollably with each angry wave.
"Lord, please, help me!"
And he heard a voice speaking to his heart, "I will lead you, I will guide you I will be here right beside you, what do
you need to do?"
The man grabbed first one wooden oar and then the other and using all of his might he balanced the boat against the waves to stop the spinning.
"Good, now row!" he heard.
And the young man pulled on the oars with all of his might and then he pulled again and again and again and he started to weaken.
"I will give you strength" he heard. And he pulled at the oars again and again and again and somehow knew he was heading the right way. Nearing exhaustion he prayed "I don't know where You are taking me Lord but I'm on my way!"
Just then, the rain stopped its frenzied bombardment and the waves softened to ripples, the angry fog relaxed into a mist and the man stopped rowing. He looked up and could see the friendly green shore. He was saved.
He began rowing with a renewed energy that came from deep within his tired muscles and aching back and guided the boat over the rocks and up against the beautiful dirt of the shore. His knees were shaking as he dragged himself out of the boat but he fell on those knees upon the wet grass and prayed; "Oh Lord, my Lord, I thank Thee, I asked for a miracle and you gave me three. You led me safely to shore
and you taught me that I needed to play my part in the miracle
and then gave me the strength to do it."
The man knew then that this was the answer to all of the miracles he was seeking in life. If he would humbly ask, God would be there to lead him, to guide him and to help him do whatever he needed to do for his part in each miracle. With the Lord beside him, he went on to accomplish great things in his life.
And when the young man became an old man, his body was weak and he was tired and he was afraid and he prayed. And in his heart he heard. "I will lead you, I will guide you, I will be right here beside you." And the man smiled, closed his eyes and asked "What would Ye have me do?" For he knew he was in for another grand adventure rowing toward another beautiful shore.
Since January of this year, I have found myself huddled alone and afraid in the middle of a terrible storm that was not expected or predicted and larger than any storm I had ever encountered. My love, my companion, my best friend in life was suddenly gone. The void has been incomparable to anything I could imagine.
I have experienced many miracles along the way. But I am still rowing; I have not reached the shore yet. I know the Lord will take me there if I keep listening for His guidance and if I keep doing my part.
My dear son and daughter-in-law have encouraged me to share what I have learned on this journey of survival, self discovery and my recognition of the help (in all of its forms) that I receive on a daily basis that will lead me safely home....wherever that may be.
Nearly a week after he died and the funeral was over and everyone went home, I awoke alone and in tears I walked into my closet to get ready to face another day. Without warning or cause, the old inlaid wood music box my love had given me before we were married started to play...
Somewhere, my love,
There will be songs to sing
Although the snow
Covers the hope of spring.
Somewhere a hill
Blossoms in green and gold
And there are dreams
All that your heart can hold.
Someday we'll meet again, my love.
Someday whenever the spring breaks through.
You'll come to me
Out of the long ago,
Warm as the wind,
Soft as the kiss of snow.
Till then, my sweet,
Think of me now and then.
God, speed my love
'Til you are mine again.
I realized I am alone now but I don't have to be lonely.
Blog to continue......(words and music to the "Love Theme from Dr. Zhivago" by Francic Paul Webster and Maurice Jarre)