"Where are you Dad?" My mind whispered "What does it look like in heaven, can you show me?"
I closed my eyes and I saw, as if I was standing in, a most brilliant garden. It was immensely lush and green like the foliage colors I remember seeing in Hawaii but 100 times more vibrant. My heart swelled with the beauty and wonder of it and I languished there for a full minute before I was distracted by the congregation quietly saying "Amen" as the speaker finished a loving tribute. I felt joy, I felt amazingly rested. I wanted to see it again so I closed my eyes but it was gone, only a memory now.
Driving home from a mundane trip to the market a few days ago, I thought how nice it is for me when my grandchildren call that I can visualize where they are while I am talking to them. I not only hear their sweet voices but in my mind's eye I can see their lovely home, their well appointed play room with toys and books and a gymnastics mat, I can see the little red chairs and the table where they sit to play games or read books from the well stocked bookshelf. It makes the conversation somehow 'whole' to be able to see in my mind where they are, I know the scene because I've been there.
But...where is Dale? I know he's in heaven and I talk to him each and every day but I can't visualize what it looks like there beyond the momentary glimpse I had received from my Dad. It would be so helpful if I could somehow get a picture of it in my mind's eye!
So as soon as I arrived home I started doing some research on what it looks like in heaven. I went to my computer and Googled that very question.
The first thing that came up was an incredible song by Dani & Lizzy called "Dancing in the Sky", Here's the youtube link:
It's asking exactly what I am asking and hoping. I love it. But I still need something to visualize when I imagine Dale there. I found help. My Google search led me to hundreds of sources with hundreds of descriptions. And then I found one book written by a man named Brent L. Top who has made "what is it like in heaven" a life-long study and his book organizes and quotes the best of what I found (and more). It's called "What's on the Other Side". I downloaded it to my iPad and began reading.
I felt very strongly that Dale wanted me to see a certain part of this book. So without hesitancy (since I have had so many instances of his guidance this past year and 5 months and one day) I flipped through the pages on my screen until I felt to stop on these descriptions:
The vegetation and landscape was beautiful beyond description, like a rainbow, not all green, but gold with various shades of pink, orange and lavender...[There were] spacious stretches of flowers, grasses, and shrubbery, all of a golden hue. - Heber Q. Hale
I was in a garden. All the colors were intense. The grass was a deep vibrant green, flowers were radiant reds, yellows and blues, and birds of all beauty fluttered in the bushes. Everything was lit by a shadowless brilliance that was all pervading. The light did not cast a shadow, which I realized when I cupped by hands tightly together and the palm side was just as light as the back side. There were no sounds of motors or discord or commotions. No sound but the songs of birds and the sounds (yes, the 'sounds') of flowers blooming. My ears were filled with a music so beautiful no composer could ever duplicate it...it was soothing, gentle,and warm and deep within me. - Mr. Dippong, quoted in Ring, Heading toward Omega
There was a tremendous sound, too. It was as if all the great orchestras in the world were playing at once; no special melody, and very loud, powerful but somehow soothing. It was a rushing, moving sound, unlike anything I could remember, but familiar, just on the edge of my memory. - Unnamed author, quoted in Ring, Amazing Grace.
He also spoke of the buildings he saw there, remarking that the Lord gave Solomon wisdom and poured gold and silver into his hands that he might display his skill and ability, and said that the temple erected by Solomon was much inferior to the most ordinary buildings he saw in the spirit world. Heber C. Kimball quoting Jedediah M. Grant.
Their dwellings are just like the dwellings on earth which we call homes, except that they are more beautiful. They have rooms, suites, and bedrooms, all in abundance. They have courtyards, and [are] surrounded by gardens, flowerbeds, and lawns.....I have seen palaces in heaven so noble as to defy description...Inside...the rooms were decorated with accessories such that words and arts fail to describe them. Outside...there were parks where everything likewise glowed, with here and there leaves gleaming like silver and fruit like gold. The flowers in their plots formed virtual rainbows. - Emanuel Swedenborg, Heaven and Hell (an 18th Century Swedish scientist, engineer and religious philisopher)
But O,...the order and government that was there! When in the spirit world, I saw the order of righteous men and women; beheld them organized in their several grades, and there appeared to be no obstruction of my vision; I could see every man and woman in their grade and order. I looked to see whether there was any disorder there, but there was none...The people I there saw were organized in family capacities; and when I looked after them I saw grade after grade, and all were organized and in perfect harmony. - Jedediah M. Grant. (Note: in Sociology and Anthropology, the term "grade" is used as a stage in a process)
The people I met there I did not think of as spirits, but as men and women - self thinking, self-acting individuals, going about important business in a most orderly manner. There was perfect order, and everyone had something to do and seemed to be about their business. - Heber Q. Hale
Clearly, the Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of useful activities - Swedenborg, Heaven and Hell
They aren't dead. They are alive, busy and waiting for me. - Unnamed author, quoted in Ring, Heading toward Omega
The spirit world will be a paradise, "a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow". Alma 40:12 Book of Mormon
Neal A. Maxwell said: On the other side of the veil, there are perhaps seventy billion people. They need the same gospel, and releases occur here to aid the Lord's work there. Each release of a righteous individual from this life is also a call to new labors. Those who have true hope understand this. Therefore, though we miss the departed righteous so much here, hundreds may feel their touch there. One day, those hundreds will thank the bereaved for gracefully forgoing the extended association with choice individuals here, in order that they could help hundreds there. In God's ecology, talent and love are never wasted...A mortal life may need to be 'shortened' by twenty years as we may view - but if so, it may be done in order for special services to be rendered by that individual in the spirit world, services that will benefit thousands of new neighbors.
Oh the beauty and the peace and the joy in service and activity there! My head fell into my hands and tears fell, "Oh Dale, I sighed, "I want to see what you see and do what you are doing! Why am I still here!!!! I want to be there - with you - now!"
And I felt his words, very strongly. "No! Study, Learn, Serve. Use your talents and the valuable time you have left on earth to learn about God's love and how to love and serve your fellowman. When you die, you take with you only what you know and what you have experienced and the more you know on earth the better you will be able to serve in heaven."
So it all seems to be part of a vast eternal plan, and the puzzle pieces of my life are falling into place.
Now...let's go on to the 3rd writing assignment for your Life Story!!
Memories of Church
When did you first go to church?
What are your earliest memories of church?
Go ahead and include people here as well as details of the building itself. Was it comforting, frightening, inspiring? What was the temperature like and the benches...hard, soft?
Include any or all of the church buildings that you'd like to include from childhood through now.
Do you remember who you sat next to? Did you sing? Did you feel the spirit? Etc etc. etc.
Feel free to expand this to your adulthood feelings/experiences if you'd like. But on this one, only
include experiences that actually happened AT church. Well...the story about when my sister was about 3 years old she walked to church in her petticoat because she thought she would be late if she had to wait for Mother to help her get dressed would be also fit here (for her history) just fine! :o)